Saturday, June 5, 2010

muffin meals

my friend katrina suggested that i post some recipes for baby food, so here are elle's favorites. i call elle "the muffin" and her meals are "muffin meals." : )
these recipes make enough for several meals. i cook and freeze in smaller containers.

chicken with vegetables

2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 red onion, chopped
4 carrots, chopped
1 bunch of kale, stemmed and chopped
1/2 bag of frozen peas
1/2 cup water
2 boneless chicken thighs, boiled and chopped

pour oil in a large frying pan and put on medium heat. saute onion 2-3 minutes and then add carrots. cook until tender. pour in water, and then add the peas and kale. bring it to a simmer and cook until the kale is bright green and tender.
put all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth and creamy in texture.
elle only has one tooth, so if you're preparing this for an older child with teeth, just cut the food into smaller pieces and skip the food processor.

tomato basil chicken with carrots

2 boneless chicken thighs, boiled and chopped
4-5 carrots, chopped and steamed
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 tsp basil and oregano

put in food processor until smooth.

pasta with pesto

1/2 cup pasta stars, cooked
1/2 cup lentils, cooked
1 small can peas
3 tbsp prepared pesto sauce

mix all ingredients in just enough pesto sauce to coat. if you haven't introduced nuts yet, you might want to make your own pesto, or look for one without pine nuts.

1 comment:

  1. love the recipe ideas and am so honored to get a mention on the blog.
